Pressing Type

The never ending change

This is what changes the most during a game. How do you press? During a game changes need to be made on the spot and the players need to adapt. Do you push high up the field or drop deep? Wide or narrow? All of this go hand in hand and is going to be used during a game. As a coach you can teach them as much as possible but in the end the players decide in the situation.

Pressing style is always changing, this happens because of how the opposition is playing. The opposition decide some of how you press. If they move up the field maybe to press deep is the best option, and at the same time narrow press. Players need to understand what to do in certain situations and how to react. The style of press depends on the players you got available. Some players don’t have the capacity to run all game, then maybe lower press is easier. With players that have the capacity you can press high up and all game.

How can you press the opposition and what team can you relate to it?